Matcha-TTS-Japanese Examples

some demos use onnx and possible error on your platforms

Basic Examples

Match-TTS-ModelInfo - Just print Onnx input and output Info and Local only Onnx

English Examples

phonemizer is different,but the model with official one would works well

Even Using GPU quantized model are 3-5 time slow than huggingface models

Matcha-TTS VCTK 109 voices Speak(GPU) - faster GPU Version
Matcha-TTS VCTK 109 voices Speak(CPU) - try this if gpu error,slow cpu version
Matcha-TTS LJSpeech single voice Speak(GPU) - best single speaker GPU Version
Matcha-TTS En001 single voice Speak(GPU) - My trained model from CommonVoice dataset with ljspeech pretrained

Other related Examples

Convert Cmudict to IPA - create cumdict-ipa_simplified_vowel-aligned.tsv